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Phone systems might not be the most exciting entity, but they are a necessity for almost every business. Unfortunately, many business owners have dealt with phone system failures and the inevitable fallout that occurs when a major line of communications is down. With this in mind, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a new alternative phone system that is designed to replace traditional business communication platforms.
What Is VoIP?
It’s important to note that VoIP is a service, not a brand. This uniquely designed telecom solution delivers the dynamic communications that fast-paced businesses need to thrive. Through VoIP, businesses can send and receive calls digitally; they can also enjoy the cost savings, enhanced productivity, and flexibility that VoIP offers over traditional telecommunications solutions. In this vein, VoIP is built to leverage the high-speed power and reliability of the Internet to help businesses remain agile, focused, and available on a 24/7 basis.
The Top Benefits Of VoIP
VoIP offers many of the same features that are found in traditional systems. However, unlike traditional systems, VoIP does offer several key benefits.
How Does Your Business Switch To VoIP Solutions?
Migrating from a traditional phone system to a VoIP system is typically a straightforward process, especially when working with a proven VoIP solutions provider. With this in mind, there are two key factors that you will need to assess before you can migrate to a VoIP solution. These factors are bandwidth and SIP.
Understanding Bandwidth Requirements.
Bandwidth typically refers to the Internet connection that you receive from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). In layman’s terms, the bandwidth refers to the amount and speed with which your business is able to conduct Internet-based actions, such as uploading or downloading files, streaming videos, emailing, etc. In order for a VoIP phone system to function properly, you must have enough bandwidth available. The correct amount of bandwidth will ensure that you can conduct all of your daily Internet functions and make Internet-based calls that are high quality and delay free. Since bandwidth requirements will vary depending on the VoIP system, it is important that you speak with your VoIP solutions provider to determine if you have the bandwidth required to enjoy a VoIP solution.
Understanding SIP Requirements.
Once you have determined that you have the bandwidth needed to support your new VoIP solution, you will need to consider Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP ensures that the physical telephones used by you and your employees will be able to make the calls as you expected regardless of whether they are connected to a traditional landline or a VoIP system. Your selected VoIP solutions provider will provide you with the recommendations needed to implement a SIP network, as well as the guidelines needed to asses your phones and any other associated hardware.
Once you have assessed the bandwidth and SIP requirements, you and your VoIP solutions provider will be able to easily transition your business from a traditional phone system to the modern VoIP telecom solution.
The Bottom Line: It’s Easy And Effective To Switch To VoIP
Switching to a VoIP solution is about more than simply upgrading your business communications system. Instead, VoIP is designed to help you meet your business communication requirements and increase ROI, while simultaneously providing the flexibility and scalability that you need to continue to grow. At its core, VoIP phone systems are the efficient, fast, and reliable solutions that businesses need to succeed in today’s fast-paced and digitally driven world.