The 10 best cloud security certifications for IT pros in 2024
Managed IT Services is a budgeted approach to the maintenance, management, security, and operational monitoring of your in-house, virtualized, and cloud-based IT assets. In return for a monthly subscription fee, the UNETEC team will optimize and ensure the function of your business technology. This all-inclusive IT support model is the next step in IT care for companies that are dependent on data and have high-demand IT environments.
You’ve been to the football game or the symphony.
Both the marching band and the orchestra have conductors.
What does a conductor do?
The conductor has the score. That sheet music shows what each instrument is supposed to do and how each note is to be played.
UNETEC is the conductor for your business technology – keeping everything in tune and in sync.
Why is that important?
Well, you’ve got dozens of moving parts within your IT environment – network, internet traffic, computers, servers, applications, cloud assets, virtualized machines. Each needs to play its part, but to play in concert, each piece of technology must be managed, maintained, and monitored. That’s where we come into the picture!
The UNETEC team of Microsoft Certified professionals provides a complete array of IT support services within a budgeted monthly payment system.
Unfortunately, simple package pricing is impossible because every company has differences in employee number, in-house devices in use, and cloud assets in use. However, once we have assessed your IT support needs, pricing is very straightforward, manageable, and budgeted.